About us

In Japan, lifetime employment was mainstream for a long time. Therefore workers are hardly change their job and also entrepreneurship was not very popular.  In recent era, lifetime employment is getting unpopular and even it is over.

 AI, Automation, Remote work trend and technologies change way of working as well as form of society itself.

IT infrastracture has never been more important, however IT human resources are seriously in shortage.

We Bright Consulting Inc. committed to support social infrastructure and enpower strength of nation against global competition by IT services and products.

Company Name Bright Consulting Inc.
HQ 2100-30, Horiuchi, Hayama-machi, Miura-gun, Kanagawa, Japan 240-0112
Capital 3,000,000JPY
Number of employee 10 ( as of Feb, 2020)
Business Resale servers, storages, network equipments.

Providing professional service to build IT infrastracture.

Resale maitenance service contract for foreign customers.

Mamaging EC site for parts sales.

Software developments.



ex-System Engineer is managing company.

”Value on people” is a slogan of the company. We committed to enpower young engineer and wish to grow together.

HQ is in Hayama-machi which is famous for  Japan emperor’s second house.(Hayama Goyoh-tei)

Main activities happens in Tokyo. We will have a small new office in Akihabara in 2020.

  • Professional Service to build IT infrastracture
  • EC Site management 
  • Subcontracting a part of customer’s operation. (Formatted work, etc)
  • SW/HW development for focused area.
    • We are currently developing software for broadcasting business domain.